See: Description
Interface | Description |
Binner<ValueType,BinnedType> |
Defines the functionality for a class that assigns values to some sort of
BlockExperimentComparison<DataType> |
Implements a null-hypothesis multiple-comparison test from a block-design
ConfidenceIntervalEvaluator<DataType> |
Computes a confidence interval for a given dataset and confidence (power)
ConfidenceStatistic |
An interface that describes the result of a statistical confidence test.
MultipleHypothesisComparison<TreatmentData> |
Describes the functionality of an algorithm for accepting or rejecting
multiple null hypothesis at the same time.
MultipleHypothesisComparison.Statistic |
Statistic associated with the multiple hypothesis comparison
NullHypothesisEvaluator<DataType> |
Evaluates the probability that the null-hypothesis is correct.
Class | Description |
AbstractConfidenceStatistic |
Abstract implementation of ConfidenceStatistic.
AbstractMultipleHypothesisComparison<TreatmentData,StatisticType extends MultipleHypothesisComparison.Statistic> |
Partial implementation of MultipleHypothesisComparison
AbstractMultipleHypothesisComparison.Statistic |
Partial implementation of MultipleHypothesisComparison.Statistic
AbstractPairwiseMultipleHypothesisComparison<StatisticType extends AbstractPairwiseMultipleHypothesisComparison.Statistic> |
A multiple-hypothesis comparison algorithm based on making multiple
pair-wise null-hypothesis comparisons.
AbstractPairwiseMultipleHypothesisComparison.Statistic |
Result from a pairwise multiple-comparison statistic.
AdjustedPValueStatistic |
A multiple-comparison statistic derived from a single adjusted p-value.
AnalysisOfVarianceOneWay |
Analysis of Variance single-factor null-hypothesis testing procedure,
usually called "1-way ANOVA".
AnalysisOfVarianceOneWay.Statistic |
Returns the confidence statistic for an ANOVA test
BernoulliConfidence |
Computes the Bernoulli confidence interval.
BonferroniCorrection |
The Bonferroni correction takes a pair-wise null-hypothesis test and
generalizes it to multiple comparisons by adjusting the requisite p-value
to find significance as alpha / NumComparisons.
ChebyshevInequality |
Computes the Chebyshev Inequality for the given level of confidence.
ChiSquareConfidence |
This is the chi-square goodness-of-fit test.
ChiSquareConfidence.Statistic |
Confidence Statistic for a chi-square test
ConfidenceInterval |
Contains a specification for a confidence interval, that is, the solution of
Pr{ lowerBound <= x(centralValue) <= upperBound } >= confidence
ConvexReceiverOperatingCharacteristic |
Computes the convex hull of the Receiver Operating Characteristic (ROC),
which a mathematician might call a "concave down" function.
DistributionParameterEstimator<DataType,DistributionType extends ClosedFormDistribution<? extends DataType>> |
A method of estimating the parameters of a distribution using an arbitrary
CostFunction and FunctionMinimizer algorithm.
FieldConfidenceInterval |
This class has methods that automatically compute confidence intervals for
Double/double Fields in dataclasses.
FisherSignConfidence |
This is an implementation of the Fisher Sign Test, which is a robust
nonparameteric test to determine if two groups have a different mean.
FisherSignConfidence.Statistic |
Contains the parameters from the Sign Test null-hypothesis evaluation
FriedmanConfidence |
The Friedman test determines if the rankings associated with various
treatments are equal.
FriedmanConfidence.Statistic |
Confidence statistic associated with the Friedman test using the tighter
GaussianConfidence |
This test is sometimes called the "Z test"
Defines a range of values that the statistic can take, as well as the
confidence that the statistic is between the lower and upper bounds.
GaussianConfidence.Statistic |
Confidence statistics for a Gaussian distribution
HolmCorrection |
The Holm correction is a uniformly tighter bound than the Bonferroni/Sidak
correction by first sorting the pair-wide p-values and then adjusting the
p-values by the number of remaining hypotheses.
HolmCorrection.Statistic |
Test statistic from the Shaffer static multiple-comparison test
ImportanceSampling |
Importance sampling is a technique for estimating properties of
a target distribution, while only having samples generated from an
"importance" distribution rather than the target distribution.
InverseTransformSampling |
Inverse transform sampling is a method by which one can sample from an
arbitrary distribution using only a uniform random-number generator and
the ability to empirically invert the CDF.
KolmogorovSmirnovConfidence |
Performs a Kolmogorov-Smirnov Confidence Test.
KolmogorovSmirnovConfidence.Statistic |
Computes the ConfidenceStatistic associated with a K-S test
MannWhitneyUConfidence |
Performs a Mann-Whitney U-test on the given data (usually simply called a
"U-test", sometimes called a Wilcoxon-Mann-Whitney U-test, or
Wilcoxon rank-sum test).
MannWhitneyUConfidence.Statistic |
Statistics from the Mann-Whitney U-test
MarkovInequality |
Implementation of the Markov Inequality hypothesis test.
MaximumLikelihoodDistributionEstimator<DataType> |
Estimates the most-likely distribution, and corresponding parameters, of
that generated the given data from a pre-determined collection of
candidate parameteric distributions.
MaximumLikelihoodDistributionEstimator.DistributionEstimationTask<DataType> |
Estimates the optimal parameters of a single distribution
MultipleComparisonExperiment |
A multiple comparisons experiment that does a block comparison and then a
post-hoc test.
MultipleComparisonExperiment.Statistic |
Result of running the MultipleHypothesisComparison hypothesis test
NemenyiConfidence |
The Nemenyi test is the rank-based analogue of the Tukey multiple-comparison
NemenyiConfidence.Statistic |
Statistic from Nemenyi's multiple comparison test
ReceiverOperatingCharacteristic |
Class that describes a Receiver Operating Characteristic (usually called an
"ROC Curve").
ReceiverOperatingCharacteristic.DataPoint |
Contains information about a datapoint on an ROC curve
ReceiverOperatingCharacteristic.DataPoint.Sorter |
Sorts DataPoints in ascending order according to their
falsePositiveRate (x-axis)
ReceiverOperatingCharacteristic.Statistic |
Contains useful statistics derived from a ROC curve
ShafferStaticCorrection |
The Shaffer Static Correction uses logical relationships to tighten up the
Bonferroni/Sidak corrections when performing pairwise multiple hypothesis
ShafferStaticCorrection.Statistic |
Test statistic from the Shaffer static multiple-comparison test
SidakCorrection |
The Sidak correction takes a pair-wise null-hypothesis test and
generalizes it to multiple comparisons by adjusting the requisite p-value
to find significance as alpha / NumComparisons.
StudentTConfidence |
This class implements Student's t-tests for different uses.
StudentTConfidence.Statistic |
Confidence statistics for a Student-t test
StudentTConfidence.Summary |
An implementation of the
Summarizer interface for creating a
ConfidenceInterval |
TreeSetBinner<ValueType extends java.lang.Comparable<? super ValueType>> |
Implements a
Binner that employs a TreeSet to define the
boundaries of a contiguous set of bins. |
TukeyKramerConfidence |
Tukey-Kramer test is the multiple-comparison generalization of the unpaired
Student's t-test when conducting multiple comparisons.
TukeyKramerConfidence.Statistic |
Statistic from Tukey-Kramer's multiple comparison test
WilcoxonSignedRankConfidence |
This is a Wilcoxon Signed-Rank Sum test, which performs a pair-wise test
to determine if two datasets are different.
WilcoxonSignedRankConfidence.Statistic |
ConfidenceStatistics associated with a Wilcoxon test
Annotation Type | Description |
ConfidenceTestAssumptions |
Describes the assumptions and other information of a statistical confidence