Class | Description |
LatentDirichletAllocationVectorGibbsSampler |
A Gibbs sampler for performing Latent Dirichlet Allocation (LDA).
LatentDirichletAllocationVectorGibbsSampler.Result |
Represents the result of performing Latent Dirichlet Allocation.
LatentSemanticAnalysis |
Implements the Latent Semantic Analysis (LSA) algorithm using Singular Value
Decomposition (SVD).
LatentSemanticAnalysis.Transform |
The result from doing latent semantic analysis (LSA).
ParallelLatentDirichletAllocationVectorGibbsSampler |
A parallel implementation of
LatentDirichletAllocationVectorGibbsSampler . |
ProbabilisticLatentSemanticAnalysis |
An implementation of the Probabilistic Latent Semantic Analysis (PLSA)
ProbabilisticLatentSemanticAnalysis.LatentData |
The information about each latent variable.
ProbabilisticLatentSemanticAnalysis.Result |
The dimensionality transform created by probabilistic latent semantic
ProbabilisticLatentSemanticAnalysis.StatusPrinter |
Prints out the status of the probabilistic latent semantic analysis