See: Description
Interface | Description |
PolynomialFunction.ClosedForm |
Describes functionality of a closed-form algebraic polynomial function
Class | Description |
AtanFunction |
Returns the element-wise arctangent of the input vector, compressed between
-maxMagnitude and maxMagnitude (instead of just -PI/2 and PI/2)
CosineFunction |
A closed-form cosine function.
HardSigmoidFunction |
A hard sigmoid function, which is an approximation of a logistic sigmoid
whose output is between 0 and 1.
HardTanHFunction |
A hard sigmoid function, which is an approximation of a tanh sigmoid
whose output is between -1 and 1.
IdentityScalarFunction |
A univariate scalar identity function: f(x) = x.
KernelScalarFunction<InputType> |
KernelScalarFunction class implements a scalar function that
uses a kernel to compute its output value. |
KolmogorovSmirnovEvaluator |
You can specify a particular CDF.
LeakyRectifiedLinearFunction |
A leaky rectified linear unit.
LinearCombinationScalarFunction<InputType> |
A weighted linear combination of scalar functions.
LinearDiscriminant |
LinearDiscriminant takes the dot product between the weight Vector and
the input Vector.
LinearDiscriminantWithBias |
A LinearDiscriminant with an additional bias term that gets added to the
output of the dot product.
LinearFunction |
This function acts as a simple linear function of the form f(x) = m*x + b.
LinearVectorScalarFunction |
LinearVectorScalarFunction class implements a scalar
function that is implemented by a linear function. |
LocallyWeightedKernelScalarFunction<InputType> |
LocallyWeightedKernelScalarFunction class implements a scalar
function that uses kernels and does local weighting on them to get the
result value. |
PolynomialFunction |
A single polynomial term specified by a real-valued exponent.
PolynomialFunction.Cubic |
Algebraic treatment for a polynomial of the form
y(x) = q0 + q1*x + q2*x^2 + q3*x^3
PolynomialFunction.Linear |
Utilities for algebraic treatment of a linear polynomial of the form
y(x) = q0 + q1*x
PolynomialFunction.Quadratic |
Utilities for algebraic treatment of a quadratic polynomial of the form
y(x) = q0 + q1*x + q2*x^2.
PolynomialFunction.Regression |
Performs Linear Regression using an arbitrary set of
PolynomialFunction basis functions
RectifiedLinearFunction |
A rectified linear unit, which is the maximum of its input or 0.
SigmoidFunction |
An implementation of a sigmoid squashing function.
SoftPlusFunction |
A smoothed approximation for rectified linear unit.
TanHFunction |
The hyperbolic tangent (tanh) function.
ThresholdFunction |
Maps the input space onto the set {LOW_VALUE,HIGH_VALUE}.
VectorEntryFunction |
An evaluator that returns the value of an input vector at a specified index.
VectorFunctionLinearDiscriminant<InputType> |
This class takes a function that maps a generic InputType to a Vector.
VectorFunctionToScalarFunction<InputType> |
VectorFunctionToScalarFunction class implements an adapter for
using a vector function that outputs a single-dimensional vector as a
scalar function. |
VectorFunctionToScalarFunction.Learner<InputType> |
VectorFunctionToScalarFunction.Learner class implements a
simple learner for a VectorFunctionToScalarFunction that allows
a learning algorithm that outputs a vector function to be adapted to
learn on data whose output are doubles. |