See: Description
Interface | Description |
FunctionMinimizer<InputType,OutputType,EvaluatorType extends Evaluator<? super InputType,? extends OutputType>> |
Interface for unconstrained minimization of nonlinear functions.
Class | Description |
AbstractAnytimeFunctionMinimizer<InputType,OutputType,EvaluatorType extends Evaluator<? super InputType,? extends OutputType>> |
A partial implementation of a minimization algorithm that is iterative,
stoppable, and approximate.
FunctionMinimizerBFGS |
Implementation of the Broyden-Fletcher-Goldfarb-Shanno (BFGS) Quasi-Newton
nonlinear minimization algorithm.
FunctionMinimizerConjugateGradient |
Conjugate gradient method is a class of algorithms for finding the
unconstrained local minimum of a nonlinear function.
FunctionMinimizerDFP |
Implementation of the Davidon-Fletcher-Powell (DFP) formula for a
Quasi-Newton minimization update.
FunctionMinimizerDirectionSetPowell |
Implementation of the derivative-free unconstrained nonlinear direction-set
minimization algorithm called "Powell's Method" by Numerical Recipes.
FunctionMinimizerFletcherReeves |
This is an implementation of the Fletcher-Reeves conjugate gradient
minimization procedure.
FunctionMinimizerGradientDescent |
This is an implementation of the classic Gradient Descent algorithm, also
known as Steepest Descent, Backpropagation (for neural nets), or Hill
FunctionMinimizerLiuStorey |
This is an implementation of the Liu-Storey conjugate gradient
minimization procedure.
FunctionMinimizerNelderMead |
Implementation of the Downhill Simplex minimization algorithm, also known as
the Nelder-Mead method.
FunctionMinimizerPolakRibiere |
This is an implementation of the Polack-Ribiere conjugate gradient
minimization procedure.
FunctionMinimizerQuasiNewton |
This is an abstract implementation of the Quasi-Newton minimization method,
sometimes called "Variable-Metric methods."
This family of minimization algorithms uses first-order gradient information
to find a locally minimum to a scalar function.
MinimizationStoppingCriterion |
Implementation of almost zero-gradient convergence test for function